Statement by Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi in Support of the Student Walkout
Torrance, CA – Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance)’s statement in support of the National School Walkout:
“Enough is enough. One month since the latest mass shooting in Parkland, Florida, I stand in solidarity with students across the country in calling on Congress to pass common sense gun safety laws like an assault weapon ban and universal background checks.
While California already has among the strongest gun safety laws in the country, we still have much work to do. I am working with Assemblymember Phil Ting (D-San Francisco) to reintroduce a bill (AB 1014) to allow school employees, coworkers, supervisors and others to petition for gun violence restraining orders. This would allow the courts take away guns from the mentally ill and others who should not possess such dangerous weapons.”