AB 427 – Aerospace Commission: Establishes the California Aerospace Commission to foster the development of activities in California related to aerospace, including, but not limited to, aviation, commercial and governmental space travel, unmanned aerial vehicles, aerospace education and job training, infrastructure and research launches, manufacturing, academic research, applied research, economic diversification, business development, tourism, and education.
AB 1761 – The Hotel Housekeeper Protection Act: Protects hotel employees from sexual assaults and harassment from hotel guests by requiring hotel employers to provide a panic button to their employees in order to summon assistance in an emergency situation.
AB 1775 – Off-Shore Drilling: Protects California’s coast and economy from the risks posed by offshore drilling and production by providing the States Lands Commission with the authority to prohibit the issuance of new leases or modification of any existing lease, that authorizes a lessee to engage in new or additional production of oil or natural gas.
AB 1782 – Surfing: Designates surfing as the official state sport of California due to the state’s historic connection to the sport, culture, and industry, as well as its unique coastal geography and legendary surf breaks.
AB 1796 – Electronic Vehicle Parking: Promotes California’s state climate goals by encouraging the use of EVs by allowing a tenant in a rent-controlled multi-family residence to install an electric vehicle charging station in a leased parking space, if the tenant is willing to pay for all the costs associated with installation and operation of the charging station.
AB 1899 – Anti- Package Theft: Increase penalties for package theft from residential units after being delivered and deposited in that location by a commercial delivery service or by the United States Postal Service.
AB 2510 – Tax Relief for Small Business: Extends the existing minimum franchise tax relief for serving members of our military, who own their own businesses and creates a new category of “microbusiness” and extends similar relief to them – a reduction of $700 annually ($800 to $100). This will assist very small businesses who might otherwise struggle to pay the same amount as their larger counterparts.
AB 2527 – Crowdfunding for Small Business: Allows start-up and emerging small businesses to find investors who can provide capital to help them grow and create jobs, while providing greater protections to California investors participating in crowdfunding. This bill offers both entrepreneurs and investors a safer means of filling the “capital gap” that exists to help jumpstart companies so that they can become candidates for larger rounds of financing.
AB 2729 – High Risk Audits: Clarifies the State Auditor to obtain approval from the Joint Legislative Audit Committee to conduct onsite assessments or any work at a local government agency.
AB 2791 – Animal Adoption: Allows kittens under the age of 8 weeks that are reasonably believed to be unowned and are impounded in a public or private shelter, may be immediately available for release to a nonprofit, as defined in Section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, animal rescue or adoption organization if requested by the organization.
AB 2808 – LCFF: Increases local control funding formula (LCFF) funding by approximately $35 billion above the current funding level to ensure that districts are able to cover increased fixed costs by dedicating funds to increase the base grant to promote student success and provide spending flexibility for districts.
AB 3138 – Hazardous Materials: Enforces stricter penalties on facilities that handle highly toxic or flammable chemicals to prevent accidents that might pose serious risks to the public and environment by increasing civil liability fines from $2,000 to $25,000 for each day a person or stationary source violates hazardous waste and material provisions.
ACR 143 – Day of Remembrance: Marks the 76th anniversary of the signing of Executive Order 9066 and declares February 19, 2018, as a Day of Remembrance in order to increase public awareness of the events surrounding the incarceration of people of Japanese ancestry during World War II.