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Advocating for a More Environmentally Friendly California

California is leading the nation toward a clean energy future and addressing climate change for all. The California State legislature plays an essential role by developing and mandating legislation that supports renewable energy plans, more efficient energy technology and ensuring the efforts benefit all Californians.

I am proud to introduce significant strides that better impact our environment. Here is a brief overview of several policies we have advocated for.

AB 1279 (Carbon Neutrality): This bill codifies the executive order issued by Governor Brown to reduce Green House Gas (GHG) emissions with the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2045. This bill aims to ensure that negative emissions strategies cannot replace aggressive strategies to reduce GHG emissions and to set the broad statewide policies on the use of negative emission strategies.

AB 2432 (Neighborhood electric vehicles: transportation plan): Authorizes cities in the County of Los Angeles to establish a Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) plan, allowing participating cities to post signage, street markings designating safe routes for NEVs – which are micro-mobility vehicles essentially the size of golf carts.

AB 1358 (Energy Transmission Plan): Requires the California Public Utilities Commission, State Energy Resources Conservation and Development Commission, and State Air Resources Board to report a statewide transmission plan to facilitate the timely attainment of new transmission projects necessary to achieve California's climate goals.

AB 1538 (Clean Energy Reliability Program): Creates a program that incentivizes LSEs that bring clean capacity resources online quickly and above the minimum requirements by working in conjunction with the CPUC led long term capacity procurement target for new clean capacity by 2035.

AB 1623 (Energy Storage): Require the California Public Utilities Commission to submit a report to the Legislature assessing the regulatory barriers to the rapid development of energy storage resources in California.

AB 1216 (Sewage Plant Emissions): Protects public health by requiring any wastewater treatment facility that has an original design capacity of 425 million gallons per day to install a fence-line monitoring system capable of measuring Hydrogen Sulfide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Volatile Organic Compounds.

AB 2377 (Wildfire Prevention): Requires the Secretary of Natural Resources, in conjunction with the Wildfire and Forest Resilience Task Force with streamlining required regulatory approval and achieving the state's new wildfire prevention goals.

AB 2703 (Electric Vehicle Charging Stations): Requires the California Energy Commission (CEC) to provide financial assistance for electric vehicle (EV) fueling options to low-income and disadvantaged community members. This bill requires the CEC to develop reliability standards for publicly available Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) fueling stations that receive state or utility funding and/or incentives.

AB 1211 (Electric Vehicles Subscriptions): Electric vehicle (EV) sales in CA are increasing, but not nearly as fast as needed to meet our climate challenges. This bill creates a legal framework for "Electric Vehicle Memberships" which will allow consumers to access EVs without up-front costs, financing, or long-term commitments through a month-to-month membership agreement directly with the manufacturer.