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Asbestos in Your Makeup? Legislature Rejects Proposal to Ban Toxics From Cosmetics

Vivian Song of Sacramento tries to keep up with the latest makeup trends. While she pays attention to the ingredients in her beauty routine, she says others are clueless.

“Not a lot of girls know what they’re putting on their face,” she said. “Whatever’s trending, they’re going to put it on.”

California’s Legislature considered banning the sale of of cosmetics containing any of at least 15 toxic chemicals and minerals — including formaldehyde, asbestos and mercury.

California Assembly Wants Electric Scooter Regulation

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — The California Assembly has approved new rules for electric bikes and scooters.

Businesses like Bird and Spin have deployed scooters to cities across California and the country in recent years. Often local governments have not set up permits or regulations for the devices.

A bill passed by the Assembly on Monday would require electric bike and scooter companies to get permits from cities. It would also require them to agree to rules for parking, maintenance and safety.

California Assembly Wants Electric Scooter Regulation

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — The California Assembly has approved new rules for electric bikes and scooters.

Businesses like Bird and Spin have deployed scooters to cities across California and the country in recent years. Often local governments have not set up permits or regulations for the devices.

A bill passed by the Assembly on Monday would require electric bike and scooter companies to get permits from cities. It would also require them to agree to rules for parking, maintenance and safety.

Asbestos in your makeup? Legislature Rejects Proposal to Ban Toxics from Cosmetics

Vivian Song of Sacramento tries to keep up with the latest makeup trends. While she pays attention to the ingredients in her beauty routine, she says others are clueless.

“Not a lot of girls know what they’re putting on their face,” she said. “Whatever’s trending, they’re going to put it on.”

California’s Legislature considered banning the sale of of cosmetics containing any of at least 15 toxic chemicals and minerals—including formaldehyde, asbestos and mercury.

Muratsuchi back in class for town hall

Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi hosted an Earth Day town hall at Hermosa Valley School on Saturday. Panelists addressed the latest science on rising sea levels, and how they could affect Hermosa and the rest of the California coast.

Could California Ban Students From Using Smart Phones At School

SACRAMENTO (CBS13) – The proposal to ban students from using smart phones at school or on school grounds unanimously passed the California Assembly Thursday with some provisions to the original bill.

Assembly Bill 272 asks that all school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools come up with smart phone policies to limit or prohibit student use at school. The bill does allow for certain allowances, including: