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Bill that will help raise California to the top ten in the nation in per pupil spending passes Senate Education Committee on a bipartisan vote

Torrance, CA –Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance)’s Assembly Bill 39, that will help raise California to the top ten in the nation in per pupil spending, passed the Senate Education Committee on a bipartisan vote.  This bill proposes aspirational funding targets for California’s Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) to establish a plan for increasing the sta

Legislation introduced that will ban the use of Roundup at schools

Legislation especially important in light of recent cases connecting Roundup to cancer

Torrance, CA – Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance) introduced Assembly Bill 468 that prohibits the use of the lawn care pesticide Roundup on school sites.  Roundup, which contains the chemical glyphosate, has been cited in recent court cases for causing cancer.  Indeed, earlier this month, a judge ordered Roundup’s parent company Bayer AG to pay more than $2 billion in damages to a California family that claimed they got cancer from using Roundup for several decades.

Legislation introduced to fully fund California Community Colleges’ training programs for firefighters and law enforcement officers passes Assembly Floor

Torrance, CA – Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance)’s Assembly Bill 720, which would ensure California Community Colleges’ training programs for firefighters and law enforcement officers are fully funded, passed the Assembly Floor.  Under the current funding formula, these kinds of programs will receive less funding from the state and, as a result, may not cover

Bill that prohibits new leases for infrastructure on state lands to be used for oil and gas production passes Assembly Floor

Bill meant to protect national monuments from further drilling by Trump Administration in California

Torrance, CA – Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance)’s Assembly Bill 342, which would prohibit any state agency, department, commission or local trustee, with leasing authority over public lands, from entering into any new lease authorizing the construction of oil and gas related infrastructure upon state lands to support oil and gas production on federal protected lands, passed the Assembly Floor. By prohibiting the infrastructure used for oil and gas production, the bill will help California safeguard federally protected land and national monuments within its borders.

Muratsuchi Bill Would Adopt Scooter Safety Rules

Assemblymember Al Muratsuchi’s (D-Torrance) Assembly Bill 1286, which would require cities and counties to adopt safety rules before e-scooter and other shared mobility service providers offer any device for rent or use, passed the Assembly floor on Monday.

The bill would also require the service providers to provide minimum insurance to protect riders as well as pedestrians and others in the event of an injury.

Asbestos in Your Makeup? Legislature Rejects Proposal to Ban Toxics From Cosmetics

Vivian Song of Sacramento tries to keep up with the latest makeup trends. While she pays attention to the ingredients in her beauty routine, she says others are clueless.

“Not a lot of girls know what they’re putting on their face,” she said. “Whatever’s trending, they’re going to put it on.”

California’s Legislature considered banning the sale of of cosmetics containing any of at least 15 toxic chemicals and minerals — including formaldehyde, asbestos and mercury.