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Muratsuchi, State Assembly Demand Answers from UC for Hidden $Millions

(Sacramento) - Assemblymembers Al Muratsuchi (D-Torrance), Chair of the Joint Legislative Audit Committee, Kevin McCarty (D-Sacramento), Chair of the Assembly Budget Subcommittee on Education Finance and Jose Medina (D-Riverside), Chair of the Assembly Higher Education Committee held a joint hearing to get some answers about the results of the recent state audit of the University of California Office of the President that showed millions of dollars had been squirreled away when the money could have been used to help students. “If the board of regents is not going to exercise proper oversight, then the legislature needs to step up, to make sure that state dollars are being well spent for California students,” said Assemblymember Muratsuchi. “As a dad, and as a proud Cal bear and UCLA Bruin, I want to know if the UC is spending state dollars well, so that my daughter and all California kids can have the same educational opportunities that I had.” Here’s more in this Assembly Access video.